The ABC’s of Homeschooling and Life Learning

Are You Still Wondering Whether Homeschooling, Unschooling Or Life Learning Is The Right Choice For You And Your Family? Do You Wish You Had The Support And Tools You Needed To Take The Leap?

I designed this course because I know way too many people and parents who are in exactly this dilemma. "We really don't want to send our kid(s) to school but we just don't know if we have what it takes..." "I just don't see how we could make it work!" "I don't know if we have the skills, the time, the resources..." You're not the only one who gets stuck on the questions and the fear of what creating your own learning path might actually look like.What I've come to realize is a lot of people never seek out the support they need to move beyond those blocks. That's why, I made this course. Because, having been through homeschooling, unschooling and life learning as well as institutional education, I feel I can offer insight and concrete tools on how to make choices and build learning models that make sense for you. 

Because I truly believe that conscious parenting is essential to making this world a better place for us, our children and future generations. Because the freedom to direct my own learning journey was the most precious gift I ever received. I want to support you in offering that gift to yourself and others

To Give You A Better Idea Of Where I'm Coming From...

When I was 12 years old my best friends mom told me my parents were “limiting my future” by not sending me to school. In her view, I would never “succeed,” I was headed down a dead-end road…and all because of my parents’ choice to let me learn whatever I wanted to learn! To her, it wasn’t fair, it was bordering on abuse! Luckily, I didn't let her fears and worldview influence my life path. If “success” can be measured by feeling you’re doing something meaningful with your life and knowing who you truly are, then heck. I have "made it". I have my bad days and I struggle at times, as everyone does. Yet I feel deeply that my upbringing has provided me with a huge advantage in…well, the art of living, I guess you could say.

What Led Me To Create This Course...

...was the fact that this little incident, which could have crushed my self-confidence if I’d been more susceptible at the time, was definitely not my last encounter with stereotypes about homeschooling. I know that parents face a barrage of criticism for stepping away from, and sometimes even for daring to question, the institutional education system. I’m regularly approached by parents who want to know, from someone who's "been through it," if homeschooling really "works", (or whether all the stereotypes about alienation and anti-social behavior are actually true!)...and if do you make it work?

That’s where The ABC's of Homeschooling, Unschooling and Life-Learning came in. I realized it was time for me to try putting my experiences into a coherent, digestible format that could provide some of the support people (especially parents and parents-to-be) seem to be starving for.   There’s nothing more important to me than supporting people in becoming their authentic selves and leading passionate, meaningful, engaged lives!

Where Did My "Alternative Education" Get Me?

As a result of my education, I’ve dedicated my life to positive change and transformation. I’ve traveled the world as a cross-cultural performing artist making music and poetry about empowerment and social engagement, producing several self-produced albums; I've worked as a leadership mentor for youth across Canada; I’ve been certified in, and taught courses on permaculture and eco-village design; I’ve presented at international conferences on alternative education, helped organize and run groups on parenting for social change, holistic healing and community building; not to mention 15 years and counting of co-managing my family’s holistic healing and education center, Heartroot Farm, in rural Quebec. 

Why This Course Is Unique

This course is my response to your questions about homeschooling and life learning, from day one to adulthood. In it I take a step by step approach in addressing fundamental blocks, pesky thought patterns and “design challenges” to help make you the best parent you can possibly be while also supporting your process as a whole person (because parenting is also about your learning journey!). I’m not interested in offering you superficial solutions. This is about getting to the deep stuff and making positive changes that can last a lifetime. Yes, it means stepping up to the plate and being willing to do the work. Yes, it means digging into some parts of ourselves that may never have seen the light of day. But I guarantee that's it's worthwhile.

This course is different from what you may have seen before. It deals with the reality of homeschooling/unschooling and life-learning on a deeper level. There are no attempts to give you surface-level solutions; no one-size fits all rhetoric. And I’m not going to tell you what you “should” be teaching your family or how. This course is really about the journey itself, it’s about building a learning “nest”'s about context as opposed to “content” (i.e. what subjects or material should I be “teaching”, when and how).

What Will You Get Out Of It?

This course gets down to the core issues around learning and straight to the key areas that might be blocking you from being a truly “successful” (i.e. fulfilled, authentic and adaptable!) homeschooling parent and from supporting your children’s learning journey.

It includes clear principles for how to create the best possible learning model in your own home and community (and how to build community in the first place…often one of the biggest challenges!). It talks bout how you can do this whole "alternative schooling" thing in a way that sets you up to avoid isolation, overwork and burn out. It also looks at how to identify where you might be getting in your own way when it comes to being fully present for your kids, and your own, learning journey.

In This Course You'll Learn:

  • 1
    How to pinpoint your own “undercover paradigms” and how you can shift them to create a vision and approach that reflects your authentic self and meets the true needs of your self, your family and/or community
  • 2
    5 ways of setting up an alternative learning community while avoiding inter-personal headaches
  • 3
    How to create social networks that will allow you to have time-off from parenting (because wanting the best for your kids does not mean you have to give up everything else in your life!)
  • 4
    Some of the most important life-skills you can share with your children (plus why they're so crucial and how to cultivate them and share them with your family and community!)
  • 5
    One simple element to raising autonomous, independent kids and core principles for lasting learning and positive connection.

Not To Mention...

  • 6
    Tools for debunking main​​​​stream myths about homeschooling as a lifestyle.
  • 7
    Ways to identify and undo habits and reactions that get in the way of healthy, effective communication between you, your partner or co-parents and your kids
  • 8
    A simple step-by-step approach to figuring out what the best learning model is for you and your family, yourself and/or your community.
  • 9
    Practical tools for keeping a healthy personal balance and making time to decompress and process so that you can have a relaxed, positive approach to parenting and learning.
  • 10
    How to access ​​​​​skills and knowledge without the need for limitless funds.

Plus much, much more! 

This may sound like a tall order, but don’t worry! I know parents don’t have a lot of time. I’ve made this course as simple, digestible and easy to use as possible.

You’ll receive each lesson as a blog post. All you have to do is 15 to 30 minutes of reading every few days….Simple as that! I’ve also included plenty of awesome photos and broken each post down into sections so if you can’t read it all in one shot you can easily come back to it and pick up where you left off without sifting through the whole thing (this is maybe a personal hang-up of mine, but I really dislike not being able find where I left off when I’m reading…).

Plus, to make it even easier, for a limited time I’m offering this course at a pay-what-you-can rate instead of it's usual value of $149.99. I really want to get this out to as many people as possible and want to make it as accessible as I can. For that reason,even if you decide to try the course and don’t find it’s what you need right now, you can just write and let me know within the first 30 days and I will send you your money back in full.

I know your time is precious so I really want to make this worth your while. It’s my hope that the many hours of reflection and writing I’ve put together into this course will serve some of you and support your process as a courageous parent trying to develop their own learning journey.  Either way I honor the path you’re on and wish you the best possible outcome to your exploration of life-learning...


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PS: I don’t know about you, but when I read these things I tend to just scroll right to the bottom….so in case you’re like me, let me give you the gist of things here ;). 

I've put together this course on Homeschooling and Life Learning because I know parents need more support in this process and because I truly believe that conscious parenting can change the world for the better. The content addresses the root of all the challenges faced and questions asked by just about every parent I meet. I'm pretty sure it's going to be full of useful material for you if you're a homeschooling parent or parent-to-be.

Because I really want this course to reach as many people who need it as possible, for a short period I’m offering it at a pay-what-you-can rate. I want more people to have access to The ABC's of Homeschooling and Life-Learning so that we can be part of making a positive change in our own lives, in our communities and in the lives of future generations. Try it out! I'm excited to know what you think! 🙂

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